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About Boxercise
Boxercise started 20 years ago and almost immediately became known as the world's leading boxing fitness training provider. Boxercise runs hundreds of Boxercise training courses a year, training thousands of fitness instructors, teachers and PTIs. There are now 2.1 million people participating in Boxercise classes and to date Boxercise have 20,000+ people who have qualified as instructors.
About The Founder Of Boxercise
Andy Wake is the founder of Boxercise and for the last 30+ years, he’s been at the forefront of the fitness industry. He is a licensed professional boxing coach with the British Board of Boxing Control with a degree in Sports Science from Brunel University.

He has personally trained over 18,000 instructors to teach Boxercise and taught over 1100 courses. He is the world’s most experienced coach educator. He coaches at two boxing clubs each week and also coaches athletics. 

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